Sunday, August 19, 2012

Henry Edwards

Message Boards > Surnames > Edwards


Subject: Obituary of Henry Edwards 1795-1881 d. Randolph Co., IN
Author: Tony Meeks
Date: Friday, September 01, 2006
Classification: Query

The following obituary appeared in The Winchester Journal on December 21, 1881 on page 2 column 4.


EDWARDS—Henry Edwards was born in Gilford [sic] county, North Carolina, March 2, 1795. Married to Polly Hamilton, October 18, 1815; moved to Wayne county, Indiana, in the fall of 1821, removed to Randolph county in the Spring of 1831; died at the residence of his son, Hamilton Edwards, two miles and a half south of this place, November 4, 1881, aged eighty-six years and two days. When Mr. Edwards moved to Randolph county, the county was in its infancy. There were but few houses in Winchester, and the surrounding country was a wilderness. He erected a log hut in the woods near where he died, and commenced the struggles of a pioneer life, he lived to see the country cleared of her great forests and the fields covered with golden grain, and presenting a fair prospect of becoming one of the finest and wealthiest counties in the State. He was highly respected as a neighbor and a pioneer citizen by all who knew him, as the long column that followed his remains to its last resting place, fully attested. He was the father of eleven children. His aged wife and seven of his children still survive him and mourn his death. They were all present at the funeral. The services were conducted by the Rev. N. T. Butts, at White River Friends’ Church, November 5, 1881.
N. T. B.

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